QGIS 2 Map Editing Basics

Robert Crowther Jun 2022
Last Modified: Dec 2024


Never used a map‐editor? They’re… different.

This guide is presumptive

Guides/tutorials on map editing are generally bewildering or scattershot. Probably due to the mass of information involved. This guide will make a map that looks good and will give you some basic starts for editing. To do that, the guide makes sweeps across whole areas of information. For example, if you don’t want to edit a map of the United Kingdom, I’m not going to tell you how to find other maps—that would deviate too far from the through‐line. Feel free to turn your own ends if you want.

Essential background

Especially if you’ve never tried map‐editing,

Map editors are like photo and vector editors combined

If you understand the concepts of layers and and how points can make a path, which can be filled if enclosed, and the basics of text manipulation like fonts and sizing, that will help

Unlike most other media‐editors, map editors do not work with data in memory only

There is too much data to hold. So even individual layers in a map edit will usually be held in files

It helps to know about how data structures similar to XML/HTML are stored in memory

You don’t need to be an expert, but as long as you are not scared by seeing a file of XML code, and understand that an ‘object’ can have ‘attributes’, that will help

Map editors have special concerns

Map editors have huge chunks of interface to deal with issues that other editors barely touch on. For example, the underlying coordinate system of a land‐map—how it relates to the ground it is supposed to map, leads to a mass of configuration options. And they have unusual interfaces for styling results—land‐maps do not need free‐form drawing, but they need extensive systems for editing paths and managing symbols

Map‐editors can be crude and/or obscure for conventional configuration and editing

The other side of their unusual concerns. You can be left wondering how to do work that would be simple in other editors

Map editors are heavy‐duty

A single land‐map may contain twelve layers, which each define different features such as altitude marks, roads, tourist spots and so forth. Each layer may contain four thousand or more pieces of information. Frankly, map editors dislocate and crash all the time

Some upshots: when editing maps make yourself save areas. Think of an organisation strategy for data, choose filenames you can work with. Save work regularly.


One of the unusual concerns for map‐editors is the way map data is stored. There are many forms. But here are the types you need to know about.


These have several files in their structure. The files are written together into directories, and are usually best kept together. The most important files are,


Have text, but not readable. Meta‐form of the data


plain text space‐separated table data. This form is a dBase/xBase file. Stores attribute data of features


binary data. Stores locations/geometry of map features

The binaries are uneditable without a dedicated Shapefile editor. The DBF files can be opened in a spreadsheet application. This may be useful for viewing (I’ve tracked missing data like this), but no spreadsheet application I own can write these files in a form that matchers the Shapefile spec.

GML files

Data in the form of XML files. Usually comes as one file,


Usually one huge file, containing annotation elements etc.

GML data may come with a GMF file which defines data form. Also, the files may be broken up into many more files than Shapefile data. I’m not sure why—possibly because GML files have more overhead than Shapefiles? A GML file should be easy to edit by any XML editing method, but XML editing is never fun.


Geopackages are slightly different. They store as one file, but inside are arranged as a database,


Usually one huge file, containing annotation elements etc.

May gain a extra files, but trivial indexes/annotation, not like GML schema files. If direct viewing or editing needed, would be edited using a SQLLite client interface and SQL. There are well‐established and good tools for doing this, but it’s far too much for quick fixes.

Comments on filetypes

GML files,

However, GML files,


However, GeoPackages,

GeoPackages are clearly the future. The only downside is complex direct view and editing. However, support is uneven and will take years to filter through. Shapefiles are lean and many tools are available. This guide mostly uses Shapefiles.

End of basics

Or maybe not. Before they irritate or trip you, let’s cover coordinate and projection systems.


Gnumeric notes on dBase information,


GML format, by Wikipedia,
