
The site

It’s a website, ok? With content. I know that defies Web 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 recommendations, but it’s my site. A rating website said,

This website is rated highly for Accessibility but was very poor at Marketing.

I couldn’t ask for more.

Why is it called MUD?

I cann’t remember. It has nothing to do with Multi‐User Dungeons. Or maybe it does? I’m not sure.

The author


He lives in Surrey, England in a thatched cottage with two rats and a telescope.


The usual for the period. Volcanos, and colouring pictures of Roman centurians,


My first work was as a tree. But, stood by the banks of a river, I was struck by lightening. This was a revelation, and I felt I needed a change. So I dabbled in growing potatoes. However, people took me for a secret agent, so I switched to distilling cordials. I moved to northern Norway to live in a tent, but that didn’t work out as my tent was hit by a snow storm, a two day whiteout which snapped the guy ropes and bent the stanchions. So I emigrated to England because I like apples. I was sorry to find the English don’t grow apples.


People say I’m good at framing pictures while bottles are being thrown at me. I can, if required, provide references.


Zero experience. I feel this gives me an edge that can’t be matched.


None, thank goodness. That would be the end.


Please note that I reserve the right to revise this history at any time, and as I see fit.