QGIS 5 Setup styles

Robert Crowther Jun 2022


Hah! not finished setting up. The style‐file downloads have some specific directions.

Install font

With the style‐files downloaded, a font called ‘OS_VMDistrict’ needs to be installed. On Linux, move the font to




Refresh the font cache,

fc-cache -vf'

If you’ve got a font‐viewer go have a look. In my case I found the font contained a selection of policemen’s hats and London Underground symbols. Near useless. Annoying.

Set background color (for layers)

Launch QGIS. Change background color. Like this,

Project > Properties > General > Background color > #fcfcfa (off-white)

Save this as a Project, someplace.

End of setup styles

Did it take that long to reach data load?