Google Search Console 5. Link Rendering

Robert Crowther Sep 2022
Last Modified: Feb 2023


Viewing link rendering

In some cases you may wish to look at how links are rendered. Maybe you used some structured data, so hope your links have a fancy display? Or want to reassure yourself the links are in a Google search?

The obvious way is look at the list of queries under the ‘Pages > Queries’ tab. Then run the query in a Google search. But this is not often a success. Google can be flexible how it list links and responds to configuration—are you in the same country as the user who saw your link, are you using a similar device (Google returns different results for a desktop or a mobile computer) etc.

If you want to see the look of links, there’s an easy way. Enter the domain name into Google search. Or use the common construction,

site: target‐url

Google will recognise this as a site search, and likely all the top results will come from your site (after that will be wider near‐matches). This can be handy also as a snap view of coverage.


Unindexed Links


Google Developer site suggests using searches as a tool,