Curry Base

Robert Crowther Feb 2022
Last Modified: Dec 2024

One of the steps, and the longest step, in making an English–Bangladesh curry. With a cup of this in the fridge, you can make an English–Bangladesh curry in ten minutes prep time, ten minutes cooking,

image of curry_base
Saturday fry

It will last maybe three days to a week in the fridge.




  1. Peel the onions, cut into four. Split the petals—this is annoying, but easier than fine shredding an onion with a blunt knife, so don’t winge. Put in the pot

  2. Put spices in pot

  3. You need water and and at least 1/12 veg oil (you did not hear me wrong). For small portions you may go up to 1/3 veg oil. Anyway, a lot of veg oil. To roughly the height of the uncooked onion plus a few finger‐widths more (or enough to boil)

  4. Boil/simmer for half‐an‐hour (or more)

  5. Tip in can of tomatoes

  6. Boil half an hour

  7. Shred with the blender. Put some time into this, you want a smooth sauce

The end should not at all taste of raw onion. It should be a bland, slightly undercooked soup. The soup should be easy to pour, more thin than gravy, like a thin smoothy.



This has little to do with Indian cooking in general. But if you’re after a homemade like‐I‐get‐from‐the‐takeaway, this is where to start.


No question this is the writeup. If you want to read more about the cooking or the culture, go here,