Corned Beef Hash

Robert Crowther Jan 2022
Last Modified: Dec 2024

Because there isn’t a good recipe on the web. They’re all fancy, or go on and on about it.

image of corned_beef_hash
It is what it is, but you havn't been there for an age


Yeh, I added tomato sauce because it’s the thing to do.



  1. Chop the corned beef into lumps as big as your fingernail. Then mix in a bowl with Worcester Sauce and mustard

  2. Scrub the potatoes. Chop, with skins, into lumps as big as your fingernail. Put the potatoes in a pan with water boiled from the kettle. Only enough water, maybe salt, then simmer

  3. Chop the onions. Thin strips, quarters. Get the oil hot in a frying pan, very hot, throw in the onions. You want to burn the edges black, but don’t let them dry out to paper. Time for a song

  4. Meanwhile, drain the potatoes (they’ve cooked for an onion chop and part of a song). Top with a lid or teatowel (will steam them a bit)

  5. Tip the burned onions onto a plate

  6. Very hot, fry the potatoes. Another song

  7. Throw the onions and beef onto the potatoes. Shovel about for a last song

  8. Turn the heat down, cover, fry the eggs, then dish out



Not a smash hit (I’ve had three of those), but all cleaned up by a very picky audience. Not a murmur. Believe me, that’s a sleeper hit, and I’d do it again anytime.