Bean Stuffed Pepper

Robert Crowther Jun 2024
Last Modified: Dec 2024

A thing with a name,

image of bean_stuffed_pepper

Recipe will need a visit to a large supermarket—unlikely to have this in the fridge. Based in a recipe titled Stuffed Pepper Enchiladas




Very hot


  1. Get the oven going (some chopping, but this is pretty fast)

  2. Wash peppers, cut longways, pull out the bits then trash. Put pepper shells in a bowl, microwave on hot for two minutes

  3. Cut all garlic/herbs/veg into tiny pieces, mix, dump on quinoa, add spices and pepper then squeeze on the lime, mix, dump on beans, mix

  4. Put peppers on the baking tray, squash the mush into them good and proper

  5. Pour sauce on top, then top with the cheese (if used)

  6. If adding cheese, you need to protect the cheese with foil, then prop the foil to stop it sticking

  7. Baking can be variable, half an hour to an hour and half. Make sure the pepper is cooked



Don’t know about you, but I can’t see the point in stuffed veg. Bell pepper is the only one that’s shaped for stuffing (uh huh, I hear genetic scientist mind churn). But then we went for it anyhow. This ‘Mexican’ (ha‐ha) idea is a heavy‐duty filling so has advantages like not needing frying, taking up excess water, being a meal and low on the carbs. I mean, this dish usually means to me burnt marrow sodden in farty water with grains of wet rice stuck to the side of the plate. However it works for you, this recipe will not be that.

Maybe, since the oven is on, serve with oven fries?


Original recipe, not far removed,

Felicity Cloake stuffed tomato/rice courgettes, several similar tips like precooking the pepper,

Rose Elliot theft, tomato/mushroom courgettes,

Rose Elliot theft, tomato/breadcrumb peppers,


I found our effort disappointingly tasteless. Feeble coriander, no cumin, not enough lime and roasting covered didn’t help. But it was a good meal. It proved the recipe is robust, so however it goes you’ll get something edible. I think there is hope. I can see myself trying again.